Friday, September 19, 2008

perhaps it had already ended.
WTH are u trying to be emo? or to show how pity you are in your current life?
you deserve it.
Everytime when i recall of bout you, sadness for sure take over me, perhaps, not sadness, but the disappointment towards a friend that i prized a lot.

>i teasured the moment when we went out together, going to boutiques, or restaurants .
>i cherished the time when we shared everything of us together, family stuff, WORK stuff, or even our deeper feelings.
>i remember the cunning face of you whenever you hug me..'aww...shu' that's what you always said.
>i adored the memories we had together, when we brought each other to many places.
>i favoured the breakfast we had together.
>and the arguements we had, but at the end, everything went fine, because we know, we love each other very much.
>and the jealousy you had, however, u didn't hurt me.
>the pat on my head
>the joy and laughter we had together.
>and the unfading voices saying that we look like sisters, not our external look, but the way we talk, and, act.

that's not all of cuz, memory we shared are to be said, uncountable.
-:"how lucky you are."
yes, i am, for havin you with me. i was naive, i know, but as time passes, i realized, and i changed. i loved you, a lot.
remember the letter i wrote for you before you leave, it was written with tears, during the midnight, 4 a.m/ i remember.

And, you left;

down, i was, when you weren't here.
i started a brand new life, stood up, with all the energy i had.
everthing was fine, i missed u.
but what i got back was the word B you scolded, you thought it was normal for you, because you're lonely,you need to release, so we're deserve to be called B, for you to release, and you're expected to be forgiven.

-:"what's the big idea? it's only the word B."
i could accept anyone calling me this, and i won't care, but the person was you, you! you never know how hurt i was hearing that, i couldn't even believe my own ears when they told me that, and we were still discussing before that whether when to visit you and give you a surprise, it is because we miss you, and in return, we got a name,B'es.you're expected to be forgiven, everyone can forgive you, but do you know how hard was it for me to let go?
you were the one that was so desperate to leave, and for your own good, i let you go, without regrets. but why things seemed that it was us that left you alone there and we went to enjoy our heaven life? we're just breathing like normal, and we were accused giving excuses.like you care.
-emo- haunted me day and night.
message:do not show off,look at yourself and recall what you did, what you said, until why had everyone here treat you so.
though,i am lucky again, to hav the angels around me, pulling me up,bringing me to a happier side.
thanks, my angels, there're too many of you al, all of you are really beautiful.
luv you guys lots ^^
ms sharon shao ann, i ok de, no problem, yala, when i'm feelin frustrated will disturb u until you fan si ok?

dear bestfriend,

hurting you is not my intention, nor showing off towards you, these are just words hidden in my heart, for a long long time, and i really do need to tell you how i feel, and these shall never be mentioned anymore. i'm really happy that you're having a great life now, (hope its like what i see),may you be well and happy, always. LOVE YOU, forever. take care, the great one~

I appreciate what you did, really. =)


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