Friday, September 12, 2008

just finish watching the tvb HK series-The seventh day. hmm...quite sad, infact, very.

Casted by Kevin Cheng and Niki Chow they presented so lovin in the show they casted and it didn't seems tat they're acting.hahas.however, the ending was sad though, the main actress died b'cos of cancer, but their love still continues on. i know it may be kind of not-realistic thinking bout relaitionship shown in series as many said that they won't exist in real life. but if i hav a chance, i would really want it.

有时候命运是很奇妙的,你以为要碰灰的时候呢,老天就会给你一个惊喜。  人生啊就好像跷跷板,你掉到最低的时候,就是你反弹高升的时候。  当你要升起的时候,就会忘记之前的失落,可 是你对面的人,当一个升高的时候,另外一个就要从高处滑下来,两个人的命运就是这样交替着,人生就是这样起起落落的。
the words that inspired me a lot, now i understand, LIFE.


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