Tuesday, September 9, 2008

last sat, i attended Boon Lee's sixteenth b'day party. Theme for the party this time: masqurette, clothes: formal. i was like oh me god, cos i don't really hav formal clothes, however, i wore a dress an black. then, we're actually supposed to customize our mask boon lee gave us before the party...er okay, wat i decorated proves tat how much i'm lack of creativity cells.

btw, went early there to help out in deco..
quite fun there, thanks to michele for the games and party plan, she really put in a lot of effort.
Ee lyn lost her handphone when we just finished playing our second game, things got serious when we 'ransacked' da whole house but still cant find it, and there were no sound when we called her phone. --worried--
then after tat, Heng lin lost his phone too, but this time hehe, is zheng hong they all tat took the phone la, when the party almost ended, wan hong managed to find the handphone underneath the sofa, then happy ending lo. at bout 11.30 pm, me and mich left, (daddy came and fetch us) then in the car i suddenly recall bout my phone pulak, oh shit...and i cant find it im my bag..then dad drove me back to bl's house immediately to look for my phone.i ran into Boon lee's house and was like shouting, do u all saw my phone? de white one le...then everyone was like laughing, including me, wat a day to lost hand phone.then ee lyn they all helped me 2 call my phone to check where is it, then mich got down from da car,taking my phone,rupa-rupanya the phone is in my another bag in da car.then i left, how embarrasing this is..wakaka

boon lee
loving family

Alwin came in at very ramdom

zheng hong
three pretty gals~
vikie n me

Ee lyn tat lost and found, her phone.


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