Friday, August 29, 2008

four days before this, was an emo day for me, everything seems to go wrong. yeap, i cried for the whole night...whole night...nothing serious happened, but its just tat too many things, kept in heart, and it suddenly burst out. this is the first time of this year, for me crying soo much, luckily my eyes weren't bengkak in school on the next day, or not...malunya~

>this place, i'm trying so hard to improve it, and no one is giving a dammmmm about it. fine, i do it myself, whatever! my life is so meaningless...so dull.
>yeap...i'm a stupid, trying so hard to achieve something but i cant.
>i regreted being a blue, infact, i hate being one of them. perhaps i'm useless, yes i am... sometimes i really feel whether do i belong there, why am i there? i'm happy we call a family,but i dunno why,things weren't tat smooth as i hope it to be so. because of that, i dont deserve to hav a normal-student's0-life. ok, never mind, but why i dont feel myself enjoying there, how much i hope tat life can start all over again, at least, i can make my decision once again, without regrets. it's just leaving deeper and deeper wounds in me, making tears flowin non-stop...i really don't know wat to do. why am i so unhappy? though, blues hav to wear a mask,just whenever they're in blue, to hide their true feelings,to get things right, and no one will appreciate you. sad ryte?
-ok end of this, i dun wanna get my clothes wet as well-

luckily i still hav my friends beside me, love lots, thanks.
o ya, some tips here, try not to lye down when you cry, you'll get your nose blocked, that bothered me for da whole nite. >.<


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